I've just completed my first freelance job!
Yes, it was a complete surprise to me too.
On something of a ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ whim I responded to a SfEPLine message regarding someone who was looking for help with a dissertation. Not proofreading per se, but general improvement of writing style, academic presentation, and so forth.
I emailed ~ far too late to get the gig, I assumed (thank you, dear daughter, for refusing to go to sleep and knocking my work schedule off kilter last week).
But I got the job!
(Maybe I was the only one to pitch for it…)
It was a ‘race against time’ scenario ~ the poor flustered student was frantically typing up sections and emailing them to me at the eleventh hour. But I stuck my nose to the grindstone, for a shade short of nine hours. And I finished at 4a.m. this morning. Got to sleep at 5:50 a.m. (damn you, whirring brain). Dear daughter was up for the day at 7:30a.m. So, I’m a wee bit manic today. But I am pleased, very pleased.
Now, when people ask what I do and give me that funny ‘Really?!’ face when I tell them, I can proudly reply that I’ve already had my first paying job, thank you very much.
That’s assuming I get paid for it, of course. But that’s a whole other blog post, and one I’m sure many freelances will be able to relate to.
The Vital Babymoon
7 months ago